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What is therapy?

Therapy goes by many names: therapy, counseling, psychotherapy, mental health therapy, behavioral health therapy, etc.
Therapy is the process of addressing issues going on in a client’s life. This can go in a variety of directions and often is influenced by the “modality” or theoretical style of a therapist and the needs of a client.
Therapy at Soothing Connections is an attachment based, emotionally focused approach that addresses present process, what a client is currently experiencing. If a past event or series of events continues to impact a client, that may also be a focus.
Therapy will help you identify what your specific goals are (at Soothing Connections, these are often related to improving relationships, increasing security, reducing anxiety, etc.) and work towards them in a collaborative relationship with your therapist.

Is it normal to be nervous?

Yes! Lots of people get nervous before coming to therapy, whether it is the first time ever going to therapy or with a new therapist. It is common to get nervous before trying new things. At Soothing Connections, going slow to allow you time to get settled in and set your own pace is prioritized. You are welcome to share this with your therapist at any point.

Can I bring people to therapy with me?

The therapeutic process works best when both client and therapist work together collaboratively. If you would like to bring someone to therapy, make sure to give your therapist notice so that you can both discuss how to use the session in the way it is most helpful.
If you are seeking couples therapy, make sure to address this when you contact your therapist.
If you are seeking family therapy, make sure to address this when you contact your therapist.

How much does therapy cost?

The most that therapy will cost is my Self-Pay rate ($150 per session), but a lot of clients choose to use their insurance (as long as you are in network) which often reduces the cost of a session that a client will need to pay because the insurance covers a portion of the cost. If you are using your insurance, typically you pay the copay amount from your insurance while your insurance covers the rest.
I highly recommend that you contact your insurance provider (the number is typically listed on the back of your insurance card) prior to scheduling to verify if I am in network with your insurance provider and what your copay amount is. I do help clients with this process if needed, but I cannot guarantee the information and clients are still responsible for whatever the insurance company doesn’t pay (up to $130 per session).
I will always communicate as soon as this information is available.

How often do I need to go to therapy?

Typically, I see clients weekly to start, especially for the first 4 weeks in order to build rapport and trust in the relationship as that is an essential part of therapy. From there, we will decide together what best fits your needs. I will help guide you with my recommendations and you are welcome to bring up your needs/wants as well.

How do I know if therapy is working or not?

It is crucial that you feel comfortable (enough) with your therapist. While it is common to feel a little nervous or uncomfortable in the beginning of therapy, it is important that you eventually feel connected in a trusting relationship with your therapist. If you don’t, it’s important to bring that up in session and address any specific issues with your therapist to evaluate if there are issues you can work through together or if there isn’t the “fit” you need to continue. If this happens, that’s okay, and your therapist can help you get connected with another therapist to try. It is more important that you find a fit that works for you. At Soothing Connections, your experience is valued and you getting the support you need is prioritized, whether that be at Soothing Connections or somewhere else.

Do I have to lay on a couch?

No. Most people choose to either sit on the couch or swivel chair across from me. You are welcome to lay on the couch if you choose, but it is very rare that someone chooses that. You can see what feels most comfortable to you.

How long does therapy last?

A therapy session will last approximately 53 minutes (the remaining 7 minutes are designated for notes time) for insurance sessions.
The course of therapy can last anywhere from a short term therapy (approximately 4-6 weeks) to long term therapy (ongoing for several years) depending on what a client wants to focus on. It is important to know that you will never be “kept” in therapy beyond what you decide, and ultimately that decision is up to you. Your therapist will help guide you with recommendations and is open to discussing this with you whenever you would like. Shorter term therapy is typically for specific anxieties, phobias, or specific adjustment issues, whereas relational issues and trauma are likely to take longer (approximately 6 months to a year or more) depending on the pacing and needs of a couple or individual. Some clients need and/or enjoy ongoing therapy and choose to attend for years to continue to address ongoing issues in their lives. It is highly variable and is best to speak with your therapist specifically about your needs.