Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is for those that need a personal, one on one approach to address issues going on in your life. It gives you an opportunity to have your session be about you and what you need most.

There are a variety of issues that can be addressed in individual therapy. Sometimes clients recognize a need to go to therapy for symptom relief such as reducing anxiety or depression, with the desire to learn coping skills. Some clients need help addressing conflicts, setting boundaries, or learning assertiveness. These are all things that can be worked on in therapy. We can address these issues and more.

Beyond symptom relief, I encourage clients to dig deeper, work beyond the surface, and get to the root cause of what is driving your symptoms. This approach helps you to understand how to effectively prevent future symptoms and continue to live at lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.

Regardless of the reasons you are seeking therapy, I take an attachment approach, to help you build safety and security, starting with our therapeutic relationship and extending to your personal relationships. This helps us develop the strongest forms of soothing for whatever you are facing.

If you have any questions about whether Individual Therapy is a good fit for you, please feel free to reach out.

*Individual Therapy is offered in person at the St. Charles Office location.

Individual Issues

  • Insecurity; damaged trust; ruptures; repairs; breakups; divorce; conflict; disconnection

  • Anxious attachment; building attachment security; insecurity; avoidance; distancing

  • Generalized Anxiety; physical symptoms

  • Overthinking; ruminating

  • Perfectionism; over-responsibility; performance based; high achieving; stress

  • Obsessive thoughts/behaviors; compulsive behaviors; rigidity; perfectionism

  • Personal growth; wellbeing

  • Increasing understanding of self; self-exploration; identity exploration

  • Wellbeing and support; healthy focus on self

  • Healthy view of self and others; healthy differentiation; healthy interdependence

  • Life events; changes; relational changes; family changes; work changes; moving; adjustments

  • Changes; deaths

  • Health; wellbeing; empowerment; boundaries; communication